The people who join us week in week out for our group exercise classes in Dubai come to us for a wide variety of reasons. Whether it is shaping up for a life event like a wedding,  training for a climb like Kilimanjaro or just a desire to get back into a more active lifestyle, they stay because of the fun, friendly community and for the RESULTS that they see in their training.

Shereez for example loves the intensity of the training when she comes to the classes, whilst Ahmed enjoys the fact that you get a lot of quality training in just 45 minutes. You train with like minded people and he really enjoys his Friday mornings!

Claire enjoys the atmosphere and loves the energy and the vibe of the class. The friendliness of the class and the social community aspect has helped her to make new friends. Going hiking and excursions with the outdoor club are all highlights that help to cement the bonds in the group. Scientific research has proven that working out in a group leads to longer lasting results and enhancements in fitness, don't believe us? Read this article on how group exercise classes are more effective than individual training, whilst also helping you reduce stress levels by up to 26%!


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